Camino Cafe Part 2

Camino Cafe Part 2

Fr Steve had a great time with Leigh and Corrie from the Camino Cafe talking about how Warriors on the Way got started.  In this, second of two,...

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The Camino Cafe Part 1

The Camino Cafe Part 1

Fr Steve had a great time with Leigh and Corrie from the Camino Cafe talking about how Warriors on the Way got started.  In this, first of two,...

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Past Pilgrimages

Past Pilgrimages

“Pilgrims… bring something back with them to share with others, including… the blessings they have received.”~Rupert Sheldrake, PhD~2023In 2023 we...

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An Ancient Path of Healing

An Ancient Path of Healing

  Up and down these sheer ravines stumbled the blind and lame, sure of healing if only they could reach the shrine.  Deaf and dumb went in the...

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